Creating a SVG file for a lamp

Just create a svg file and set parameters of nodes by writing the parameters as JSON into description fields.

All fields are optional.


    "fixture": "rgb",
    "render_groups": ["bla", "blub"],
    "start": 42,
    "count": 100


At the moment only rgb is supported.

default: "rgb"


If render groups are set, the whole tree under a node is added to these render groups.

default: []


Start addresses are summed up. If a group has the address 10 and a child node of this group has the address 5, the data for this child will be send to Art-Net address 15.

default: 0


You can have multiple lights all at the same positions but with different addresses. If you are setting this values on a svg path, gled sets all light at uniformly distributed positions on the path.

default: 1


Lamp with parameter

Be carefull to always press the Set button in inkscape!